Monday 1 July 2013

So, what's new?


It's nearly two years (two years!) since I started this blog, back then I was 19, just starting my second year at university and inspired by the surge in popularity for blogging, but inevitably university work took hold and the poor blog took a backseat.

Now things have changed, I've reached the grand old age of 21 and I currently nervously waiting for my final university results. Everything has come around so quickly and in a strange way when I started university I never thought about the end. Becoming a graduate is both scary and exciting at the same time, I still see myself as a 9-year-old and not as an adult! I started a part-time job in retail to keep my afloat whilst I figure out what I want to do with the rest of my life.

I've also learnt that life can be extremely unpredictable and cruel. In early December 2012 I lost my dad very suddenly and I'm still feeling the effects today. Losing a parent is not something I ever thought I'd experience in my early 20's and I'm thinking of writing a post about my experiences.

So this is blog 2.0 if you will. I started BITNY as a 'fashion' blog but I'm not sure if that's the direction I want to stick with, I like to be flexible and keep my options open, if I want to write a post about my favourite type of lampshade then I will damn it!

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